CLANER emerges to coordinate companies actions in the field of Wind power, solar photovoltaic, solar thermoelectric, biomass energy and energy efficiency
The Andalusian Cluster of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (CLANER) was established in February 2012.
CLANER is an alliance of companies, official bodies, research centers, universities and foundations, among others.
Representation and defense of the Andalusian renewables and energy efficiency sector interests, encouragement and promotion of research, technological development and innovation of products, processes and services linked to this field as well as fostering member’s cooperation in order to strengthen companies competitiveness are among its main objectives.
The cluster have around one hundred members and it represents more than 90% of the renewables sector in the region. Some of its members are: Andalucia Tech, The Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT) which is under the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain, University of Jaen, University Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla), The Foundation “Descubre”, local and provincial energy agencies (Málaga and Córdoba), and the main renewable companies in Spain as well as Endesa Distribución.
The Association has own legal personality, is nonprofit and has plenty to act to achieve his goals and objectives. It is constituted in accordance with article 22 of the Spanish Constitution and the organic law 1/2002 of 22nd March regulating the right of association.
Renewables are essential for Spain´s and Andalucia´s energy independence, economic development and environmental sustainability.
Renewables are essential for Spain´s and Andalucia´s energy independence, economic development and environmental sustainability.
Promote renewables and energy efficiency growth through the defense of their interests, research, communication and education.
Promote renewables and energy efficiency growth through the defense of their interests, research, communication and education.