Entrevista realizada por Victoria Muñoz de Texla Renovables “ La agrovoltaica permite generar valor compartido con la comunidad, manteniendo la actividad de otros sectores productivos ” [vc_empty_space height="30"] La sostenibilidad está en el ADN de Statkraft, el primer productor de energías renovables de Europa y por ello, en...

Entrevista realizada por Victoria Muñoz de Texla Renovables  “ La digitalización es un desafío crucial para el sector energético, pero también representa una gran oportunidad ”  Mantenerse competitivo no es nada fácil y hacerlo durante 80 años es sin duda todo un hito. Para ello hay que comprender lo...

On 25 and 26 June, an international seminar on innovation policies and cooperation in the Mediterranean was held in the city of Cadiz as the final event of the Move Green project. During the event, the last exchange visit of Moroccan companies took place, visiting Andalusian...

Entrevista realizada por Victoria Muñoz de Texla Renovables “ Es necesario simplificar y agilizar todos los trámites administrativos ligados a la construcción de una planta de generación de energía ” La industria energética está experimentando una etapa de gran agitación marcada por la transición hacia un modelo...

Entrevista realizada por Victoria Muñoz de Texla Renovables “La descarbonización tiene que ir de la mano de la innovación tecnológica. Necesitamos investigación y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías” Juan José Pérez Uceta lleva la innovación en su ADN, y tiene claro que el sector energético ofrece una oportunidad...

Sponsored by Texla, with interviews with key players in the renewable energy sector. The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) will inaugurate a new informative section in its web page, which will include interviews to the main agents of the Andalusian renewable energy sector, with the...

CLANER has been present at the International Fair of Energy and Environment GENERA that has been held these days in Madrid and where we have been able to share knowledge and experience with the rest of energy clusters in Spain. We have been accompanied by...

Renewable energies constitute an essential sector for the development and growth of the Andalusian economy and play a fundamental role in the energy transition of our region. Andalusia has more than 10,000 MW of installed capacity and is processing approximately 1,200 projects, for a total...

25 October 2023 - The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) continues its participation in the Move Green project to promote the employability and entrepreneurship of young people through collaboration between Andalusia and Morocco, promoted by the Andalusian Municipalities Fund for International Solidarity (FAMSI). Together with the...

Last Wednesday 21st June 2023, we celebrated the Sustainable Energy Day in the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW 2023) in Tangier, in the framework of the Project "MOVE GREEN_(E) "(E)Co-development for innovation and employment in the green and circular economy sector between...

The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association "CLANER" held its Annual General Assembly on Wednesday 21st June at the Andalusian Businessmen's Confederation in Seville, bringing together 90% of the Andalusian renewable energy sector and being a great success in terms of participation. The opening and development of...

We are pleased to inform you that a technical seminar on "Prevention of Occupational Risks in the Renewable Energy Sector" will be held on 18 May at the Centre for Occupational Risk Prevention in Malaga, with the participation of CLANER's Self-consumption delegate, Miguel Torres, among...

9 and 10 May 2023.- We are pleased to inform you of the success of the Business Meeting with Morocco that we recently held in the city of Tetouan within the framework of the MoveGreen project "Co-development for innovation and employment in the green and...

22nd March 2023. - CLANER presented the "Diagnosis on the most sought-after professional skills in the circular economy sector in Andalusia and Morocco" at the insertion and employment day, held in Tangier on Wednesday 22 March 2023.   Related news: Una jornada institucional analiza vías de apoyo...

24 February 2023.- The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) is currently holding meetings with the various Andalusian parliamentary groups with the aim of advancing new measures to administratively streamline renewable energy projects underway in the region. Thus, the president of CLANER, Alfonso Vargas, accompanied by the association's...

Andalusian renewables and the green hydrogen sector join forces for clean energy in Andalusia    CLANER and the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster sign collaboration agreement The president of the Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), Alfonso Vargas, and the president of the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster, Francisco Montalbán, have signed...

The closing ceremony of the first promotion of the "Specialisation in Renewable Energies" course of the Move Green project took place on 14 December. As you know, this course aims to contribute to the improvement of employability and entrepreneurship of young Moroccans, and CLANER has...

On 26 October 2022, the WD Summit 2022 took place, a meeting organised by WomANDigital, part of the Digital Agency of Andalusia. Below you have the recording of the event. Our president Mr. Alfonso Vargas participated in it, you can see his intervention in the event...

The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) has incorporated the company Cepsa as a new member of the organisation that represents and defends the interests of renewable energy companies in Andalusia. On this occasion, the President of CLANER, Alfonso Vargas, and Cepsa's Head of Renewable Projects, Pablo...

The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) has set up a working group dedicated to geothermal energy with the aim of promoting the development of this technology in our community by improving its social awareness, coordinating initiatives that respond to the sector and acting as an...

The objective of the Open Day is to share the main results of the BLUE DEAL project, namely: Transfer Protocol and Joint Plan for Portability developed by the project. To boost the formalisation of Regional Alliances promoted by the BLUE DEAL project. Present the results...

Dear all: The international competition 'BLUE DEAL for Future' already has a finalist at regional level to participate in the final phase of the competition to be held in Ravenna (Italy) on 18 May. This competition has been launched in the framework of the Interreg Med BLUE...

19 April 2022. - The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) presented on 19 April 2022, together with the other participating entities, the Move Green project which, led by the Andalusian Municipalities Fund for International Solidarity (FAMSI), aims to promote the employability and entrepreneurship of young...

29th March 2022. - On Tuesday 29th March, the "MOVE GREEN_(E)Co-development for innovation and employment in the green and circular economy sector between Andalusia and Morocco" was presented at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of Al Hoceima. The main objective of the activity has been...

In the framework of the BLUE DEAL project, a survey has been carried out on the public's perception of Blue Energy (BE) and the technologies necessary for its installation and development. The survey was aimed at the general public living in coastal areas and its objective was to analyse the opinion of the population and their level of knowledge of marine renewable energy sources and the new existing technologies.
The third BLUE DEAL Transferring Lab of the project was held in Cyprus from the 14th to the 17th of June. With a duration of four days, the event focused on the policy and regulatory framework of marine renewable energy in Cyprus, the existing blue energy potential in this country and how to support its deployment and the development of this industry.