27 Jul Cepsa joins the Renewable Energy Association of Andalusia
The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) has incorporated the company Cepsa as a new member of the organisation that represents and defends the interests of renewable energy companies in Andalusia.
On this occasion, the President of CLANER, Alfonso Vargas, and Cepsa’s Head of Renewable Projects, Pablo Ronse, signed the company’s membership agreement with the Andalusian renewables association at a ceremony held in Seville.
“The incorporation of Cepsa to what is the reference organisation for clean energy in Andalusia means having an important asset within the association, which reinforces its strength, representativeness and capacity to promote a key economic sector in our region”, highlighted CLANER’s president, Alfonso Vargas.
For his part, Cepsa’s Head of Renewable Projects, Pablo Ronse, stressed that “renewable energies are an opportunity to promote sustainable development and the creation of shared value, especially in a region with the potential of Andalusia to become a benchmark in this field. Joining CLANER will help us in our goal of creating a positive impact in each territory, both environmentally and socioeconomically”.
Renewables in Cepsa
Renewable energies are a key part of Cepsa’s new strategy, “Positive Motion”, to become a leader in sustainable mobility and energy in Spain and Portugal and a benchmark in the energy transition.
In this regard, Cepsa is going to develop a portfolio of solar and wind projects by 2030 with a capacity of 7 GW that will serve to meet the company’s energy consumption, especially for the production of green hydrogen, an energy vector it aspires to lead in this decade.
Cepsa is currently progressing in the development of 12 projects with a combined capacity of 1.5 GW, 5 of which are in Andalusia. These are photovoltaic solar energy projects with a total capacity of up to 600 MW. The installation of these photovoltaic plants will involve an investment of more than 420 million euros in the region and their construction is expected to generate more than 1,300 jobs, reaching nearly 2,200 jobs in the peak phases of their development.
Once in operation, these projects will produce an estimated annual energy output of 1280 GWh, which is equivalent to the consumption of 387,000 homes for a year, that is, the sum of the homes of the capitals of Cadiz, Malaga, Huelva and Jaen. Likewise, the production of this renewable energy will prevent the annual emission of 510,000 tonnes of CO2.
In line with its commitment to sustainable development, Cepsa has also created ‘Sumamos Energías’, a differential programme in the development of renewable projects based on co-design and transparent and proactive dialogue, which seeks to create a tractor effect in the territory where they are implemented and maximum social and environmental integration. The aim is to involve the different social agents, involving citizens and encouraging collaboration with local councils, in order to generate value and promote socioeconomic development and the natural capital of each municipality.
The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER) was set up in February 2012 as a group of companies, official bodies, technology and research centres, universities and public foundations, among other agents.
Its aims include the representation and defence of the Andalusian renewable energy and energy efficiency sector, as well as the promotion and encouragement of research, technological development and innovation of products, processes and services associated with this field through collaboration and cooperation between the members of the cluster in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Andalusian companies in the clean energy sector.
The members of the association, which currently has more than a hundred member entities and represents more than 90 percent of the Andalusian renewable energy sector, include Andalucía Tech, the Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT), part of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the University of Jaén, the Pablo Olavide University in Seville, the Descubre Foundation, municipal and provincial energy agencies, as well as the main renewable energy companies in Spain and the electricity company Endesa Distribución.
For further information or to arrange interviews with CLANER management, please contact the Communications Department on 676 46 57 00; 951 910 401 or comunicacion@claner.es