15 Dec Closing ceremony of the first promotion of the Move Green project
The closing ceremony of the first promotion of the “Specialisation in Renewable Energies” course of the Move Green project took place on 14 December. As you know, this course aims to contribute to the improvement of employability and entrepreneurship of young Moroccans, and CLANER has been one of the main participating agents.
Along with our president, Alfonso Vargas, the event was attended by the rector of the UNIA, the Moroccan consul in Seville, the manager of FAMSI, and the head of the AACID’s Unit for Cooperation with Africa in the Mediterranean.
For CLANER, it has been of special interest to put students in contact with the Andalusian business sector, a practice that will continue in future editions of the initiative.
Here you can read the original press release of the event (in Spanish only).
Here you can access the related news published by FAMSI.
More information:
Photo album of the event on Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAjc6t
Move Green flyer. ES: https://tinyurl.com/2fv32ooj
Brochule Move Green. FR: https://tinyurl.com/2e8u39wm
Brochure Move Green Training Programme. ES: https://tinyurl.com/2lrfsdxe
FAMSI Communication: Ana Rioja | arioja@andaluciasolidaria.org
Tel: (+34) 954 29 32 29 | 619 122 377