20 Feb CLANER and the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster sign collaboration agreement
Andalusian renewables and the green hydrogen sector join forces for clean energy in Andalusia
- CLANER and the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster sign collaboration agreement
The president of the Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), Alfonso Vargas, and the president of the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster, Francisco Montalbán, have signed this morning a collaboration agreement with the common objective of joining forces in the development of clean energies in Andalusia.
The agreement signed between the two organisations includes the sharing of joint platforms for the generation of knowledge, projects and innovations in the field of energy, collaboration in the promotion of renewable energies as a vector for the change in the energy model and the joint exploration of development and intervention opportunities.
The agreement will allow the interests and objectives of both entities to be represented, to promote the development of renewable energies and green hydrogen applications in Andalusia in a coordinated manner, and to organise training activities, conferences, workshops and seminars for the training of professionals in the energy and industrial sector.
The agreement also includes mutual participation and advice on renewable energies, green hydrogen and contributions to mitigating the effects of climate change; the transfer of knowledge, methodologies and relational capital for project development; joint participation in projects for national and/or international financing; and the generation of new projects and advisory products for joint exploitation.
The signing of the agreement took place within the framework of the 1st Andalusian Hydrogen Multisectorial Meeting held in Algeciras under the organisation of the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster.
The president of CLANER, Alfonso Vargas, expressed his satisfaction for “the signing of an agreement that means adding to the representation of Andalusian renewables an emerging technology such as green hydrogen with enormous potential in Andalusia, considered one of the best places in the world for its production and which is key in the decarbonisation of industry and transport, as well as in the change of energy model that our region is experiencing”.
For his part, the president of the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster, Francisco Juan Montalbán, said that “with the signing of this agreement we join forces with the renewable energy sector, which is essential to produce green hydrogen, a sector that has a very notable development in Andalusia”.
“We have clear objectives to train new technicians, help develop growth and expansion plans, attract opportunities and investments, export technology and know-how made in Andalusia, help create quality jobs, and collaborate with the social and political agents who wish to participate in this development”, he pointed out.
The Renewable Energy Association of Andalusia (CLANER), with more than 20 years of experience, is a group of companies, official bodies, technology and research centres, universities and public foundations, among other agents.
Its aims include the representation and defence of the Andalusian renewable energy and energy efficiency sector, as well as the promotion and encouragement of research, technological development and innovation of products, processes and services associated with this field through collaboration and cooperation between the members of the cluster in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Andalusian companies in the clean energy sector.
The members of the association, which currently has more than 140 member entities and represents more than 90 percent of the Andalusian renewable energy sector, include Andalucía Tech, the Energy, Environmental and Technological Research Centre (CIEMAT), part of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the University of Jaén, the Pablo Olavide University in Seville, the Descubre Foundation, municipal and provincial energy agencies, as well as the main renewable energy companies in Spain and the electricity company Endesa Distribución.
For further information or to arrange interviews with CLANER management, please contact the Communications Department on 676 46 57 00; 951 910 401 or comunicacion@claner.es