
Final international seminar of the Move Green project

On 25 and 26 June, an international seminar on innovation policies and cooperation in the Mediterranean was held in the city of Cadiz as the final event of the Move Green project.

During the event, the last exchange visit of Moroccan companies took place, visiting Andalusian companies in the renewable energy sector. CLANER has made it possible for the Moroccan companies to visit NAVANTIA’s facilities in Puerto Real (Cadiz).

The seminar brought together a hundred people from both shores and international experts on circular migration and renewable energies, as well as public and private entities from the academic sector, strengthening competences to implement and adapt the needs and qualifications of the labour market between the EU and the partner countries in the MOVE GREEN project.

The overall objective of the MOVE GREEN project is, on the one hand, to promote the employability and entrepreneurship of young Moroccans in the green, circular and renewable economy sectors through a process of training and professional qualification, thus contributing, on the other hand, to the retention of talent in the country of origin and the generation of employment and active entrepreneurship among young people in Morocco.


The seminar began with a presentation by each of the three partners of the main results of the project, in which CLANER has collaborated by facilitating the coverage of the business and essential part of the project through the following actions:

  • General co-ordination of the project
  • Diagnosis of the most demanded competences and professional profiles in the circular economy sector in Andalusia and Morocco.
  • Coordination of the practical part of the postgraduate course carried out by students at UNIA,
  • Design and development of practical activities involving site visits to companies and practical exercises.
  • Design and coordination of business meetings between Morocco and Andalusia, at least one a year.
  • Creation of materials for dissemination and communication of the project: exhibitions, brochures, dissemination documents, etc.,
  • And finally, the training which consisted of a postgraduate course in the UNIA on Renewable Energies.
    • First edition: 18 students
    • Second edition: 25 students

The official opening of the seminar was followed by the intervention of the president of CLANER, Alfonso Vargas, together with the rest of the partners/entities that make up this MOVE GREEN project.

This was followed on both days by round table discussions and dialogue on different topics related to the objectives of the project. The event ended with a closing ceremony in which the manager of CLANER, Antonia Molina, intervened.


For further information or to arrange interviews with CLANER management, please contact the Communications Department on 676 46 57 00; 951 910 401 or 951 910 401, or  comunicacion@claner.es

