25 Oct CLANER reaffirms the commitment of Andalusian renewable energy companies to the fight against climate change
- At the International Climate Change Congress in Jerez, Spain.
25 October 2024.-
The president of the Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), Alfonso Vargas, has reaffirmed the commitment of Andalusian companies in the renewable energy sector in the fight against climate change and, in particular, with the Paris Agreement and its objective of limiting global warming to 1.5ºC.
The CLANER executive made these statements in the framework of the International Climate Change Congress, held in Jerez, in which the organisation representing Andalusian renewables has had a relevant participation ‘due to the leading role and international leadership that Andalusian companies have been playing for decades in the field of clean energy sector, with an essential contribution to global climate objectives’.
In this sense, Alfonso Vargas has especially highlighted the contribution of renewables in the decarbonisation of the energy model to stop the increase in the average global temperature of the planet. ‘A process of change that is urgent and unstoppable and in which clean energies play a crucial role in this transformation from an outdated and harmful system to the current efficient, ecological and sustainable model’, he pointed out.
In his speech, Alfonso Vargas shared a round table discussion, moderated by the Secretary General for Energy of the Andalusian Regional Government, Manuel Larrasa, with the Spanish Government’s Secretary General for Energy, Manuel Larrasa, and the Andalusian Regional Government’s Secretary General for Energy, Manuel Larrasa,
with the Sustainability Director of Grupo AZVI, Guillermo Sánchez, the ESG and Communication Director of Atlantic Cooper, María Esperanza Morillo, the CEO of Coagener, Pablo Gómez, and the manager of Emasesa, Manuel Romero.
The President of CLANER took the opportunity to thank the Andalusian Regional Government and, in particular, the Regional Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment ‘not only for the enormous effort they have been making to meet the challenge of reducing emissions, but also for the fruitful and necessary coordination between the regional administration and the clean energy industry sector to achieve environmental objectives and sustainable developments that are common to all of us’.
The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), with more than 20 years of experience, is a group of companies, official bodies, technology and research centres, universities and public foundations, among other agents.
Its aims include the representation and defence of the Andalusian renewable energy and energy efficiency sector, as well as the promotion and encouragement of research, technological development and innovation of products, processes and services associated with this field through collaboration and cooperation between the members of the cluster in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Andalusian companies in the clean energy sector.
The members of the association, which currently has around one hundred member entities and represents more than 90 percent of the Andalusian renewable energy sector, include Andalucía Tech, the Energy, Environmental and Technological Research Centre (CIEMAT), part of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the University of Jaén, the Pablo Olavide University in Seville, the Descubre Foundation, municipal and provincial energy agencies, as well as the main renewable energy companies in Spain and the Endesa Distribución electricity company.
For further information or to arrange interviews with CLANER management, please contact the Communications Department on 676 46 57 00; 951 910 401 or 951 910 401, or comunicacion@claner.es